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etykiety do łączenia w zestawy promocyjne
plomby termokurczliwe sleeve
drukarnia etykiet na butelki typu sleeve

Click below and visit subpages presenting selected categories of shrink sleeve labels:

types of shrink sleeve labels

Types of shrink sleeve labels

Labels to promotoional sets - combo packs

Decorative shrink

sleeve labels

Tamper evident sleeves

Shrink sleeve labels are our the main specialization from above 30 years! 


Our production of shrink sleeve labels can be divided into three categories, according to their functions:


• decorative sleeve labels - allow you to place graphics on the entire packages - from top to bottom and 360 ° around the packages.


• tamper evident seals – as guarantee and protect the product.


• promotional sets – as combo pack lables which allow you pack several products and creating effective sets.

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