high-temperatured belts to conveyors with UV resistance

Belts for conveyors and various machines

belts for conveyors made of PTFE fabric and other materials

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Kręta 1c, 62-030 Luboń

phone + 48 61 855 20 88

e-mail: info@krea.pl




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pasy transprtujące

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Zastosowania taśm do przenośników


Taśmy transportujące używane są w wielu gałęziach przemysłu. Dobór surowca, sposobu łączenia i wzmocnienia ma wpływ na miejsce zastosowania pasów. Pasy do przenośników z PTFE lub z innych surowców np. z silikonu, używa się w szerokim zakresie w systemach transportu wewnętrznego. Celem taśm transportowych w tego typu systemach jest sprawne przesuwanie towarów na przenośnikach, transporterach, tunelach grzewczych, komorach mroźnych czy innych maszynach. Taśmy stosowane są także jako element wyposażenia pieców przemysłowych czy jako siatki do witraży.

belts made of PTFE mesh

Belts for conveyors are made with PTFE or silicone raw materials

We are a leading manufacturer of conveyor belts, which are made of PTFE fabrics - classic (beige), antistatic (black) and mesh fabrics. We offer also belts are made of silicone fabrics and Kevlar® mesh. We advice you how materials you should choose, depending on customer's needs and specific production conditions. We provide professional advice on the choice of joining, guiding or side reinforcements of belts.


We have been working for industry for years so we know that deadline is a very important factor of a good cooperation. We produce standard conveyor belts in a short time - the average lead time is two business days.



PTFE conveyor belts directly to your production conditions


We produce various types of belts in according with our customers needs. The selection of the type, texture and thickness of the fabrics depends mainly on the loads and size of the belt conveyor. There are several possible ways to connect and reinforce of belts. Other imporant a point are a way of finished edges of the belts. Another issue discussed with the client is the type of industrial fabric - classic or antistatic, solid, mesh. All these points are carefully agreed with the client at the stage of submitting the offer.






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